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California and Texas Aren't Enemies. They're the USA's Future.

Think about the great rivalries involving California. San Francisco vs. Los Angeles. California vs. President Donald Trump. And, of course, California vs. Texas. If there wasn't a Golden State-Longhorn State rivalry before, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry created one — and got a rise out of Gov. Jerry Brown — by...

More Women in Boardrooms? Fresno Companies Talk About New Law.

More women could join the boardrooms of at least three Fresno companies thanks to a new state law signed by Gov. Jerry Brown. SB 826 mandates the presence of women on the boards of companies publicly traded on stock exchanges such as NASDAQ or NYSE. Three such companies are headquartered...

Governor Vetoes Plan to Turn San Joaquin River into State Park

Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed Assemblyman Joaquin Arambula’s plan to turn the San Joaquin River Parkway into a state park. AB 3218 would have placed 5,900 acres adjacent to the river between Friant Dam and Highway 99 under the jurisdiction of the Millerton Lake State Recreation Area. It passed both the...

Trump Team Wants To Roll Back Obama-Era Mileage Standards

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Thursday proposed weakening Obama-era mileage standards designed to make cars more fuel efficient and less polluting, a major rollback already being challenged in the courts by California and other states. The administration also served notice that it wants to revoke states' long-standing authority to...

California Can't Even Honor Ronald Reagan Without a Fight

How partisan is the California Legislature? Even a resolution declaring June 5 Ronald Reagan Day turned into a battle this past Monday (June 4). Assemblyman Dante Acosta (R-Santa Clarita) presented the motion to recognize the former California governor turned 40th president of the United States. ACR 245 received only 35 votes in...

What's in a Name? City Council District 7 Race Gets Down & Dirty

The name of a Fresno City Council candidate is now a campaign issue. Brian Whelan sent a mailer to voters, comparing himself to opponents Nelson Esparza and “Veva Islas-Hooker.” Except, Veva Islas doesn’t go by that name. She made a point to chastise Whelan on Facebook. According to the county...

GOP Voters, Who Do You Like: Cox or Allen?

Who will be No. 2? While Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom is the strong front-runner for governor in the June 5 primary, based on numerous polls, the race for who will finish second is wide open. The top two finishers, regardless of political party, face each other in the November general election....


