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Judges Seem Skeptical on Fresno Park Tax Outcome. Case Headed to State’s Top Court?

An appellate court panel appeared skeptical Tuesday about whether restrictions on government bodies passing taxes also applies to voters themselves. If the court rules they don't, it could mean that the 2018 parks tax initiative that Fresno voters seemingly rejected, could pass after all. A three-judge panel of the Fresno-based...

COVID-19 Kills Parks-Safety Sales Tax Effort, Brand Says

Mayor Lee Brand says there is no chance that a successor to Measure P — the 2018 sales tax measure for parks currently ruled to have failed — will be on the November ballot. "You're going to see nothing on the November ballot. The COVID crisis and the consequence, which is...

Dyer, Janz Debate. They Agree on Potential City Sales Tax Hike.

Those expecting black eyes and bloody knuckles after a Monday forum between Fresno's two leading mayoral candidates would've been disappointed. Former Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer and Fresno County Deputy District Attorney Andrew Janz shared their views at a luncheon hosted by the Fresno Rotary Club. Answering questions at Cornerstone...

Brand New Sales Tax Idea for Funding Fresno's Big Needs

Fresno Mayor Lee Brand rolled out his early idea for a new sales tax in an interview Tuesday with GV Wire. Though he didn't name it such, you might call it "Triple-P" — a 0.75% hike on the November 2020 ballot raising about $69 million annually for public safety, parks,...

Walters: California Tax Votes Clouded by Legal Confusion

The state Supreme Court stirred up a legal hornet’s nest two years ago when it suggested — but didn’t explicitly declare — that a two-thirds vote requirement for specific local tax increases might not apply to measures placed on the ballot via initiative petition. The supermajority vote requirement dates back...

Fresno Judge Rules Measure P Parks Sales Tax Hike Failed

A Fresno County Superior Court judge has sided with a taxpayers advocate group's contention that a Fresno parks sales tax measure failed. Judge Kimberly Gaab issued the ruling Thursday, agreeing with the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and against Fresno Building Healthy Communities. Fresno voters backed Measure P in November 2018...

Fresno's Parks Tax Likely Headed to State Supreme Court

Explaining why she didn't decide Wednesday whether voters passed Measure P, Judge Kimberly Gaab stated the obvious — no matter what she ruled, the case probably is going to the state's Supreme Court. The question awaiting an answer: If a tax for a specific purpose is placed on the ballot...


