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Israel Could Strip Palestinians of Citizenship, Deport Them, Under New Law

Israel's parliament has passed a law that enables authorities to withdraw citizenship and residency of Palestinians who have been imprisoned for “acts of terror” recognized by the Israeli government and receive financial aid from the Palestinian Authority. The law also allows deportation of Palestinians to occupied territories. Palestinians with Israeli...

Israeli Tech Workers Strike Over Fears of Dictatorship

Israeli tech workers went on strike on Tuesday in Tel Aviv to protest a government plan to strip the judiciary of its key powers. The workers, among the best-paid in Israel, carried Israeli flags and signs that read “No democracy, no high-tech” and “No freedom, no high-tech.” They said they...

Jordan Protests to Israel After Envoy Blocked From Holy Site

JERUSALEM — Jordan summoned the Israeli ambassador to Amman on Tuesday to protest a move by Israeli police to block the Jordanian envoy from entering a volatile holy site in Jerusalem. The incident quickly escalated tensions between the neighbors and reflected the heightened sensitivity around the sacred compound under Israel’s...

Will US Embassy in Jerusalem Be Built on Seized Palestinian Property?

The Biden administration is continuing the previous administration's decision to recognize Israel's claims to Jerusalem as its capital, a break from nearly 70 years of U.S. policy. The State Department is moving forward with plans to build an embassy in Jerusalem on land that was taken by Israel from Palestinian...

Israel’s New Government Unveils Plan to Weaken Supreme Court

JERUSALEM  — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s justice minister on Wednesday unveiled the new government’s long-promised overhaul of the judicial system that aims to weaken the country's Supreme Court. Critics accused the government of declaring war against the legal system, saying the plan will upend Israel's system of checks and...

Israel Swears in Netanyahu as PM of Hard-Line Government

Benjamin Netanyahu was sworn into office Thursday, taking the helm of the most right-wing and religiously conservative government in Israel’s history and vowing to enact policies that could cause domestic and regional turmoil and alienate the country’s closest allies. Netanyahu took the oath of office moments after parliament passed a...

Netanyahu Government: West Bank Settlements Top Priority

Benjamin Netanyahu’s incoming hard-line Israeli government put West Bank settlement expansion at the top of its priority list on Wednesday, vowing to legalize dozens of illegally built outposts and annex the occupied territory as part of its coalition deal with ultranationalist allies. The coalition agreements, released a day before the...


