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UK’s Johnson to Suspend Parliament as His Brexit Plan Stalls

LONDON — Prime Minister Boris Johnson insisted Monday a new Brexit deal can be reached to ensure Britain leaves the European Union by the Oct. 31 deadline, as he acknowledged that withdrawing without one would be a "failure" for which he'd be partially to blame. Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar...

UN Atomic Watchdog Confirms Iran Installing New Centrifuges

BERLIN — The United Nations' atomic watchdog confirmed Monday that Iran is preparing to use more advanced centrifuges, another breach of limits set in the country's slowly unraveling nuclear deal with major powers. Iran had already announced the step, its latest violation of the 2015 agreement as it tries to...

Iran Poised for Faster Centrifuges as Nuclear Deal Collapses

TEHRAN, Iran — Iran was poised Thursday to begin work on advanced centrifuges that will enrich uranium faster as the 2015 nuclear deal unravels further and a last-minute French proposal offering a $15-billion line of credit to compensate Iran for not being able to sell its crude oil abroad because...

This Time, It’s Boris Johnson’s Younger Brother to Jump Ship

LONDON — British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's bad week got even worse Thursday when younger brother Jo walked away from his government post over their differing stances on Brexit. It was clearly a difficult decision for Jo Johnson, who had returned to government as an education minister when his big...

Johnson's Brexit Plans in Crisis After 3rd Defeat in 2 Days

LONDON — Prime Minister Boris Johnson called Wednesday for a national election on Oct. 15, saying it was the only way out of Britain's Brexit impasse after lawmakers moved to block his plan to leave the European Union next month without a divorce deal. But Parliament delivered Johnson his third...

UK’s Johnson Weakened by Party Defections Over Brexit

LONDON — British Prime Minister Boris Johnson suffered key defections from his party Tuesday, losing a working majority in Parliament and weakening his position as he tried to prevent lawmakers from blocking his Brexit plans. On a day of high drama and acerbic debate in the House of Commons, lawmakers...

UK Economy Shrinks for First Time Since 2012 as Brexit Bites

LONDON — The British economy unexpectedly shrank in the second quarter for the first time since 2012 as Brexit uncertainties heaped pressure on firms, official figures showed Friday. The decline is set to raise alarm that the economy could experience its first recession in a decade. Traders in currency markets...

As UK-EU Relations Cool, Battle Looms to Stop No-Deal Brexit

LONDON — In Brussels and London, one question is growing louder: Can Boris Johnson be stopped? Britain's prime minister says the U.K. is leaving the European Union in less than 90 days, either with a divorce deal, or — it seems increasingly likely — without one. With Britain and the...

Boris Johnson's Busy Agenda Raises UK Election Speculation

LONDON — With Britain's departure from the European Union due in less than 100 days, new Prime Minister Boris Johnson is a man in a hurry. But he's not rushing off to Brussels. The U.K. leader has no meetings scheduled with EU officials. Instead, he was in central England on...

Boris Johnson Becomes Prime Minister, Aims to Win Over Doubters

LONDON — Boris Johnson became Britain's new prime minister Wednesday, vowing to lead the U.K. out of the European Union "after three years of unfounded self-doubt." Standing outside the shiny black door of 10 Downing St., Johnson derided "the doubters, the doomsters, the gloomsters" who believe he cannot succeed in...


