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California’s Public School Chief Says Education No Place for Competition

Tony Thurmond seems to be exactly the man that his most loyal backers hoped (and his opponents feared) he would be. In a discussion with CALmatters’ education reporter Ricardo Cano at San Francisco’s Commonwealth Club in March, he talked about how his mother, an immigrant from Panama, died when he...

Poll: Medicare Buy-In More Appealing to GOP Voters

WASHINGTON — Americans are giving Democrats a clear edge on health care as the 2020 presidential race gears up, according to a new poll that also finds many Republicans backing one of their competitors' top ideas: a government insurance plan people can buy into. But support for the plan that...

'Mayor Pete' Joins 2020 Dem Race as Face of New Generation

SOUTH BEND, Ind. — Pete Buttigieg, the little-known Indiana mayor who has risen to prominence in the early stages of the 2020 Democratic presidential race, made his official campaign entrance Sunday by claiming the mantle of a youthful generation ready to reshape the country. "I recognize the audacity of doing this as...

Trump Using Tax Day Trip to Tout 2017 Tax Cuts

ST. PAUL, Minn. — President Donald Trump will use Tax Day on Monday to visit Minnesota, an erstwhile Democratic stronghold he hopes to flip in 2020 after nearly winning it in 2016. Questions remain, however, about just how much he's politically benefiting from his signature legislative accomplishment. Minnesota, which gave...

Walters: Election Results Fuel War on Charter Schools

Elections have consequences, and while some are unintended, one major impact of last year’s California elections is very much intended. Organizations and wealthy individuals favoring education reforms and charter schools went head-to-head with the California Teachers Association and other elements of the education establishment. It was a wipeout. The CTA,...

Assembly Democrats Want Lower Threshold to Raise Local Taxes

SACRAMENTO — California voters could decide in 2020 whether it should be easier for their local governments to raise taxes and issue bonds for affordable housing, road improvements and other public projects. A constitutional amendment proposed Wednesday would lower how much voter support communities need to raise money for infrastructure...

Walters: School Accountability Good for Some, Not Others?

Last year, in his final budget as governor, Jerry Brown proudly proclaimed a new policy to encourage the state’s 114 community colleges to pay more attention to how their students are faring. “By funding colleges based primarily on enrollment, the current funding formula encourages districts to strictly prioritize student access...

Hillary Clinton Rules out 2020 Rematch With Trump

WASHINGTON — Hillary Clinton says she won't run for president in 2020, but vows she's "not going anywhere." The former secretary of state, senator and first lady ruled out another campaign during an interview posted Monday by New York TV station News12. Clinton, who lost the 2016 presidential election to Donald...

Round 2 of Teacher Strikes Looks Beyond Pay and Funding

Teachers in Oakland, California, hit the picket lines just as West Virginia teachers went back to class in a kind of coast-to-coast tag-team display of the national teacher unrest that in many places has moved beyond pay to politics, tackling issues like charter schools and vouchers. Call it round two...

Sen. Bernie Sanders Says He’s Running for President in 2020

WASHINGTON — Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, whose insurgent 2016 presidential campaign reshaped Democratic politics, announced Tuesday that he is running for president in 2020. "Our campaign is not only about defeating Donald Trump," the 77-year-old self-described democratic socialist said in an email to supporters. "Our campaign is about transforming our...


