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Trump: New Trade Deal With Canada, Mexico to Boost US Growth

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump on Wednesday signed into law a major rewrite of the rules of trade with Canada and Mexico that he said replaces the “nightmare" of a Clinton-era agreement and will keep jobs, wealth and growth in America. Trump made renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement a priority during his 2016 campaign,...

After Impeachment, House Bestows Big Trade Victory on Trump

WASHINGTON — One day after its historic impeachment votes, the Democratic-led House gave President Donald Trump an overwhelming bipartisan victory Thursday on a renegotiated trade agreement with Canada and Mexico. By a 385-41 vote, the House approved a bill that puts in place terms of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. The legislation passed...

Pelosi Announces Agreement on North American Trade Pact

WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday announced agreement on a modified North American trade pact, handing President Donald Trump a major Capitol Hill win on the same day that Democrats announced their impeachment charges against him. The California Democrat said the revamped U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement is a significant improvement...

Republicans Stumbling Over Question at Heart of Impeachment

DENVER — A simple yes-or-no question keeps tripping up Senate Republicans: Should the president ask foreign countries to investigate political rivals? A month ago the question was a legal and constitutional no-brainer. It's illegal to accept foreign help in a political campaign, an action that also raises questions about U.S....

Trump Administration, Democrats Make Progress on New NAFTA

WASHINGTON — Congressional Democrats appear to be moving from "no way" to "maybe" on President Donald Trump's rewrite of a trade pact with Canada and Mexico. House Democrats have met four times with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, most recently on Friday, and both sides say they are making progress...


