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Trump Denounces ‘Partisan Impeachment Crusade’ on Eve of House Vote

[aggregation-styles] The New York Times Subscription WASHINGTON — President Trump on Tuesday angrily denounced the looming House vote to impeach him as a “partisan impeachment crusade” being waged by Democrats, describing the effort to remove him from office as an “attempted coup” that would come back to haunt them at...

Pelosi Postpones Trump Address. Read His Letter.

UPDATE, 8:54 A.M., THURSDAY, JAN. 24: President Donald Trump said he is postponing his State of the Union address until the partial government shutdown ends, yielding after a weeklong showdown with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. ______________________ WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is officially postponing President Donald Trump's State of...

Have You Read President Trump's Letter to Speaker Pelosi?

The tit-for-tat games play on in Washington, D.C., amid a partial government shutdown over border wall funding that is causing financial hardships for many federal employees. On Wednesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sent President Donald Trump a letter asking him to postpone his Jan. 29 State of the Union speech....

Man Who Killed Officer Said He Was Hit by Ultrasonic Waves

DAVIS — The man who shot and killed a rookie California police officer left a letter on the bed in the home where he lived claiming police bombarded him with ultrasonic waves, officials said. Police in the college town of Davis near Sacramento on Saturday made public the one-paragraph letter...

Kavanaugh's Accuser Willing to Talk to Congress, Lawyer Says

WASHINGTON — The woman accusing Judge Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her is willing to tell her story in public to a Senate panel considering his nomination to the Supreme Court, her lawyer said Monday. Kavanaugh had been on a smooth confirmation track, but the new allegations have roiled that...

Minus McCarthy, Valley Lawmakers Seek Tariff Relief for Ag

President Donald Trump's trade war is unifying a large chunk of California's congressional delegation on behalf of farmers. But notably absent from the coalition is House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who represents Kern County, one of California's and the nation's top agricultural producers. Valley Republicans David Valadao, Devin Nunes, and...
