July 20 marks the 50th anniversary of U.S. astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin’s historic Apollo 11 walk on the moon. “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind,” Armstrong famously said, as an estimated 530 million viewers worldwide watched on their televisions. The landmark...
The EU is a Great Idea That has Gone Awry
As we watch Britain going through the paroxysms relating to Brexit, it is easy to view its decision to leave the European Union as an act of foolishness, a self-inflicted wound that will impoverish Britons for years to come. Europe is Britain's largest market, taking in almost half of the...
Zakaria: Regime Change Drives Trump on Iran
President Trump's withdrawal from the six-nation Iran nuclear agreement last week left many in the international community, including close U.S. allies, scratching their heads. "It's hard to understand the rationale behind Trump's decision," says Washington Post columnist Fareed Zakaria in his May 10 commentary. "If there is a strategy behind Trump's move,...
Deporting Salvadorans Will Hurt U.S. Economy & Disrupt Their Country
After ending Temporary Protected Status in late 2017 for Haitians and Nicaraguans, the White House announced last week that it will end TPS for Salvadorans, the largest group of TPS recipients. This will subject more than 200,000 immigrants to deportation if they cannot find another way to adjust their status....
Deporting Salvadorans Will Hurt U.S. Economy & Disrupt Their Country
After ending Temporary Protected Status in late 2017 for Haitians and Nicaraguans, the White House announced last week that it will end TPS for Salvadorans, the largest group of TPS recipients. This will subject more than 200,000 immigrants to deportation if they cannot find another way to adjust their status....