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My Turn: The Missing Ingredient to Solve California’s Housing Crisis

In California’s quest to produce affordable housing, much has been said about project streamlining, permitting, zoning and other regulatory reforms. Comparatively little has been said about workers. And to be clear, that’s the elephant in the room. To increase affordability by boosting supply, Gov. Gavin Newsom has established a goal...

Shutdown Goes on as Trump Offer Doesn’t Budge Democrats

WASHINGTON — Thirty-one days into the partial government shutdown, Democrats and Republicans appeared no closer to ending the impasse than when it began, with President Donald Trump lashing out at his opponents after they dismissed a plan he'd billed as a compromise. Trump on Sunday branded House Speaker Nancy Pelosi...

Fact Check: Trump and the Disputed Border Crisis

WASHINGTON — In his prime-time speech to the nation, President Donald Trump declared a border crisis that's in sharp dispute, wrongly accused Democrats of refusing to pay for border security and ignored the reality of how drugs come into the country as he pitched his wall as a solution to...

Newsom Hits Trump's White House Hard in Inaugural Speech

SACRAMENTO — California Gov. Gavin Newsom was sworn in Monday and immediately drew sharp battle lines with President Donald Trump, pledging to enact "progressive, principled" policies as the antidote to the White House's "corruption and incompetence." "People's lives, freedom, security, the water we drink, the air we breathe — they...

Rhodes Scholar Class Features Plenty of Women, Immigrants

BOSTON — The latest crop of U.S. Rhodes scholars has more women than any other single class, and almost half of this year's recipients of the prestigious scholarship to Oxford University in England are either immigrants or first-generation Americans, the Rhodes Trust announced Sunday. Among the 32 winners is Harvard University senior...

Appeals Court Rules Against Trump on DACA Immigrant Policy

SAN FRANCISCO — A U.S. appeals court blocked President Donald Trump on Thursday from immediately ending an Obama-era program shielding young immigrants from deportation, saying the administration's decision was arbitrary because it was based on a flawed legal theory. A three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals...

AP Fact Check: Trump’s Hype on Migrants, Illegal Immigration

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump is spreading misleading rhetoric about the nature of Central American migrants heading to the U.S. border and grossly inflating the number of immigrants living in the U.S. illegally. In a speech Thursday, he suggested without evidence that the migrant caravans are full of hardened criminals;...

Feinstein, De León Spar on How Democrats Can Best Resist

SAN FRANCISCO — California Sen. Kevin de León tied U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein to Washington dysfunction during a Wednesday event and pledged to "fight like hell" for immigrants and other Californians if elected to replace her, while Feinstein crafted herself as a problem solver and argued resistance is futile with Republicans...

As Immigrants Flow Across US Border, American Guns Go South

Among the thousands of immigrants who have been coming across the U.S.-Mexico border in recent months, many are seeking to escape gang and drug violence raging in their homelands. The weapon of choice used to intimidate them? Often an American-made gun. While the flow of drugs and immigrants into the...

California Governor Vetoes 2 Bills to Help Immigrants

SACRAMENTO — California Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed two bills Thursday seeking to expand the rights of immigrants living in the country illegally and protect them from deportation. One bill would have allowed anyone to serve on state boards and commissions regardless of their immigration status, while the other sought to...


