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Clovis Is Quick to Announce Contact Tracing, Quarantine Rollbacks

  Clovis Unified didn't waste any time in announcing changes in COVID-19 contact tracing and quarantining for students. The district notified parents Thursday — the same day the Fresno County Department of Public Health issued new guidelines — that contact tracing for students who are close contacts to a positive...

Clovis School Trustee Offers Up His Own Redistricting Map

  The Clovis Unified School Board will consider five redistricting map proposals, four prepared by the district's hired demographer and a fifth put forward by Trustee Dr. Steven Fogg that also was drawn up by the demographer. Fogg's "Map 5b" would radically change the look of the trustee areas, pushing...

Clovis School Psychologists Now Represented by ACE Union

The Association of Clovis Educators announced Friday morning that the California Public Employment Relations Board has recognized ACE as the union winning an election to represent the district's school psychologists and mental health service providers. Sixty-nine percent of the 71 employees voted in favor of union representation by ACE, the...

Want to Join a Union? Options for Clovis Teachers Keep Growing

  You might need a scorecard these days to keep track of the ever-expanding number of alphabet-soup organizations that want to represent Clovis Unified teachers. The newest to surface is Independent Clovis Unified Educators, or ICUE. Kim Mongelli introduced the organization to trustees last month, about a week after ICUE's...

Faculty Senate Forms ‘Non-Union’ Clovis Teachers Organization

It looks like Clovis Unified's Faculty Senate, or the district itself, might be feeling the heat over recent unfair labor practice complaints filed against the district by the budding teachers union, the Association for Clovis Educators. The Faculty Senate announced that an overwhelming majority of the senators who were on...

Valley Schools Scramble After State Hands Down New Vaccine, Testing Mandate

Valley school districts scrambled Wednesday to determine how best to implement the new state public health order announced by Gov. Gavin Newsom that will require staff in public and private schools across California to either provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination or undergo testing at least once weekly. Newsom's announcement comes...

Board Will Discuss Filling Fresno High Area Trustee Seat Tuesday

The Fresno Unified School Board has scheduled a special meeting for 5 p.m. Tuesday to figure out how to fill the Fresno High Area 5 seat formerly held by Carol Mills, who died July 21 after battling ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. The board has two choices: Make...

Clovis Unified Considers Letting Parents Decide About Their Kids’ Mask Use in School

Will face masks be required for students and staff when Clovis Unified schools reopen on Aug. 16? Trustees say parents ought to be able to make that choice for their kids, and staffers make the choice for themselves. A revised school guidance from the California Department of Public Health may...

Fresno Teachers to Trustees: Clovis Teachers Got $4K, Pay Us $3,200

After years of rocky relations, Fresno Unified's management and teachers union have enjoyed a few years of what both describe as a collegial partnership. But a rift has formed over how to allocate $8 million for healthcare funding — leaving observers to wonder if the two sides are preparing to...


