Bakersfield Businesses Using Classical Music, Opera and ABBA to Combat Panhandling, Loitering
Ashley Snyder noticed the classical music immediately.
Gordon Yates said store management needs to turn it up.
And Mae Jones remarked that “It seems to be working.”
With apologies to Bach, Beethoven and Brahms, classical music is being used by more local retailers in Bakersfield as a repellent, a tool to dissuade panhandlers and loiterers outside their stores. Rite Aid is one of those retailers.
“The playing of classical music is a test in certain California stores — based on customer feedback — to discourage panhandling and loitering and provide a more comfortable shopping experience for our customers,” the company said in an email Tuesday.
Gordon Yates said store management needs to turn it up.
And Mae Jones remarked that “It seems to be working.”
With apologies to Bach, Beethoven and Brahms, classical music is being used by more local retailers in Bakersfield as a repellent, a tool to dissuade panhandlers and loiterers outside their stores. Rite Aid is one of those retailers.
“The playing of classical music is a test in certain California stores — based on customer feedback — to discourage panhandling and loitering and provide a more comfortable shopping experience for our customers,” the company said in an email Tuesday.
By Steven Mayer | 30 July 2019
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