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District Weighs Shifting $59 Million in School Site Spending to Nab State Dollars

Fresno Unified trustees face a dilemma — the district has the opportunity to lasso millions of dollars in state funds to help build career and technical education classrooms at high schools, but that would mean postponing promised projects at other schools. The board discussed options Tuesday night at a special...

Fresno Unified Predicts Measure M Success, Other Districts Wait For More Vote Counts

Fresno Unified School District's $325 million Measure M appears headed to victory, which seems to be eluding other local school bond measures in Tuesday's primary election. Based on current vote totals, the only other local school bond measure that seems certain of being approved is Parlier Unified School District's $11...

Local School Bond Measure Elections Are Nail-Biters

Supporters of Clovis Unified School District's Measure A bond measure were hoping for a victory celebration Tuesday evening as they gathered at a northeast Fresno eatery to wait for election returns. But when early results that showed the $408 million bond measure that was losing by a margin of 52%...


