[aggregation-styles] Fox 26 News Four contracted workers at the Fresno Yosemite International Airport are now without jobs for a video they posted online. Dannon Krado says he along with three other contracted ramp workers recorded a video of themselves dancing on the app Tik Tok. Krado posted the video to...
Travel Ban Appears to Put Tulare Farm Show Out of Reach for China Attendees
The Tulare farm show now appears to be out of reach for attendees from China this year, following new travel restrictions imposed Friday by U.S. officials. The order, signed by President Donald Trump, bars entry into the U.S. by foreign nationals who have traveled in China within the last 14...
World Ag Expo Plans Extra Precautions Against Coronavirus Outbreak
As global health officials work to contain the fast-spreading coronavirus, Tulare County is preparing for the arrival of visitors from nearly 70 countries to the annual World Ag Expo. The event runs Feb. 11 - 13 at Tulare's International Agri-Center and averages 100,000 attendees. Listen to this article: "The health...
Fresno Airport Labor Deal Signals Major Shift in Policy
Fresno, which once banned Project Labor Agreements on public works projects, will now engage in them. “Elections have consequences,” Fresno City Councilman Miguel Arias succinctly noted. And, thus a historic shift may have occurred when it comes to labor power at City Hall. Historic Shift The council’s 7-0 vote to...
A Hero's Return for Central Valley Veterans of WWII and Korean War
The 17th Central Valley Honor Flight returned home Wednesday night and GV Wire's Jahz Tello was there to capture the cheers, tears, and high-fives shared by veterans of World War II and the Korean War and their friends and families at Fresno Yosemite International Airport. Learn more about Central Valley Honor...
Reedley College Students Aim High and Soar in the Sky
After Lorenzo Rios flew in his friend's small private airplane to Superior Dairy in Hanford, he knew exactly what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. Not overindulge in ice cream. Fly airplanes. "From the first second our wheels got off the ground, I knew instantly that this...