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In a shocking set of events, a respected Roseville doctor has been accused of possessing child pornography, following an undercover operation by the FBI. Dr. Khursheed Haider, 48, now finds himself in the cold confines of the Sacramento County Main Jail, held without bail since his arrest on Nov. 20.
The Unmasking of a Dark Secret
The story unfolds like a Hollywood crime thriller, with the FBI’s Honolulu division investigating a case of child pornography being traded. After nabbing a suspect in Honolulu, the agents donned their digital disguises, assuming the suspect’s online identity. Their undercover operation led them to a user named “kingg”, who was allegedly involved in the posting, distribution, and request of materials that would make even the most hardened criminal wince. The content included images of pre-pubescent children, bestiality, and BDSM.
The digital breadcrumbs led the authorities to Haider’s home in Roseville. Armed with a search warrant, the FBI agents and other law enforcement officers descended on Haider’s home. The search yielded several files of child pornography on Haider’s phone, according to court documents.
Read more at ABC10.