Armando Alvarez II’s family members led him into and out of gang life, introducing him to drugs and alcohol before he entered junior high and then eventually to drug dealing and violence. It was an older brother who brought him to the church 20 years later where he had what he describes as a miraculous conversion.
Now Alvarez is working to be a similar, positive big brother figure to help others break free of the cycle of violence. Community Regional Medical Center and UCSF Fresno have secured grant funding to pay Alvarez as a gang intervention specialist to meet with willing patients who end up in the emergency department because of their association with gangs.
“I go in with my heart and my passion. And I go in with my story,” Alvarez describes his meetings with patients. “I try to be a friend. I try to be a mentor. I try to be whatever they’ll allow me to be in their life and sometimes they are willing to change their lives.”
Community Medical Centers | 21 Dec 2020