Nearly 200 names are on the list of proposed names for the new Central Unified School District high school under construction at Ashlan and Grantland avenues in northwest Fresno. The lengthy list was an information item on the agenda of Tuesday night's board meeting. The board vote could be on...
Arax's Memories of Saroyan at Home on West Griffith Way
Mark Arax was the Fresno kid who wanted to become a writer. William Saroyan was our city's most famous native son, an accomplished and revered man of letters — a world traveler who owned adjacent houses at 2729 and 2739 W. Griffith Way near Marks and Dakota avenues the last 17...
In a Small Space, Saroyan Is Reborn Thanks to Technology
It was well above 100 degrees the afternoon I visited the William Saroyan House Museum a couple blocks from where I grew up. Sweat poured from electricians and carpenters racing against a tight deadline to transform the 1,228 square-foot home built by Oscar Spano in 1964 into a suitable tribute to...