In the next installment of GV Wire’s series on the Syiran crisis, we share the story of Thafer Kashak, a refugee from Homs. Once a thriving businessman, he fled his home country when the Civil War invaded his hometown. Watch Thafer’s (pronounced ZAH-fer) story as he made a daring trek...
GV Wire Special: Thafer’s Escape from Syria
In the next installment of GV Wire’s series on the Syiran crisis, we share the story of Thafer Kashak, a refugee from Homs. Once a thriving businessman, he fled his home country when the Civil War invaded his hometown. Watch Thafer’s (pronounced ZAH-fer) story as he made a daring trek...
GV Wire Special: The Syrian Conflict
The depths of Syrian’s five-year plus civil war took another turn in favor of what some label as the repressive regime. Under the government of Bashar al-Assad, government forces recently recaptured the city of Aleppo from rebel groups. The war started in 2011, following the “Arab Spring” that saw protests...
GV Wire Special: The Syrian Conflict
The depths of Syrian’s five-year plus civil war took another turn in favor of what some label as the repressive regime. Under the government of Bashar al-Assad, government forces recently recaptured the city of Aleppo from rebel groups. The war started in 2011, following the “Arab Spring” that saw protests...