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Trump Pushes New Environmental Rollbacks on Way Out the Door

BILLINGS, Mont. — Down to its final weeks, the Trump administration is working to push through dozens of environmental rollbacks that could weaken century-old protections for migratory birds, expand Arctic drilling and hamstring future regulation of public health threats. The pending changes, which benefit oil and gas and other industries,...

Trump Agencies Steadily Push Rollbacks as Pandemic Rages

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is rejecting appeals to slow its deregulatory drive while Americans grapple with the coronavirus, pushing major public health and environmental rollbacks closer to enactment in recent days despite the pandemic. As Americans stockpiled food and medicine and retreated indoors and businesses shuttered in hopes of riding out COVID-19,...

Trump Removes Protections for Waterways, Aiding Developers

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is lifting protections for some of the nation's millions of miles of streams, arroyos and wetlands, nearing completion on one of its most far-reaching environmental rollbacks. The changes announced Thursday will scale back which waterways qualify for protection against pollution and development under the half-century-old...


