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US Economy Grew at Modest 2% Rate in 2nd Quarter

WASHINGTON — The U.S. economy grew at a modest 2% annual rate in the second quarter, a pace sharply lower than the 3%-plus growth rates seen over the past year. Many analysts believe growth will slow further in coming quarters as global weakness and rising trade tensions exert a toll....

California Unemployment Rate Held Steady at 4.1% in August

SACRAMENTO — California's unemployment rate held steady at the record low of 4.1% in August as the state's period of job gains reached 114 months, exceeding the expansion of the 1960s. The California Employment Development Department says Friday the state's employers added 34,500 nonfarm payroll jobs last month. The rate...

US Economy Grew at Strong 3.2% Rate in First Quarter

WASHINGTON — The U.S. economy grew at a solid 3.2% annual rate in the first three months of the year, a far better outcome than expected, overcoming a host of headwinds including global weakness, rising trade tensions and a partial government shutdown. The advance in the gross domestic product, the...


