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California’s Vital Logistics Industry Is Under Political Attack

During the last half-century, logistics — receiving, storing, and transporting goods — became a dominant segment of Southern California’s economy. As Asia — particularly China — evolved into a manufacturing colossus, the twin ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach saw an eruption of ship traffic, and the region’s interior...

Planning Commission Rejects Appeal by Arias, Approves Starbucks’ Location in SW Fresno

The Fresno Planning Commission approved permits for a first-of-its-kind Starbucks for southwest Fresno after councilmember Miguel Arias said the drive-thru was a danger to nearby school children. The Fresno Planning Commission Wednesday rejected the appeal in a 6-0 vote Wednesday night. There are only 50 "community store" Starbucks in the...

Solar Customers Could Be ‘Orphaned’ by PUC-Triggered 22% Industry Job Loss

Some solar customers in California will have a harder time getting their new systems installed and existing systems maintained as the solar industry sheds jobs due to recent metering decisions by the California Public Utilities Commission. The California Solar & Storage Association estimates that 22% of the state's solar industry...

Solar Customers Could Be ‘Orphaned’ by PUC-Triggered 22% Industry Job Loss

Some solar customers in California will have a harder time getting their new systems installed and existing systems maintained as the solar industry sheds jobs due to recent metering decisions by the California Public Utilities Commission. The California Solar & Storage Association estimates that 22% of the state's solar industry...

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