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Budget Deficit Will Test the Link Between CA School Spending and Achievement

When California’s governors and legislators write state budgets, they begin with projecting how much revenue the state is likely to receive. It’s a semi-educated guess that is often billions of dollars removed from the eventual reality, given the high level of volatility in the state’s taxation system. With a revenue number in hand, officialdom...

Literacy Advocates Promote ‘The Right to Read’ in Fresno Screenings

The inability to read isn't just an education issue for students — it's also a civil rights issue because reading is critical to success in college, career, and life. In Fresno and across California, students of color have lower reading scores on standardized testing. If certain student populations are struggling...

Newsom Wants to Hold Back $100 Million From Fresno for Downtown Improvements

Gov. Gavin Newsom plans to delay $100 million of a $250 million pledge in infrastructure funding for downtown Fresno to whittle away at a multi-billion budget deficit. Newsom introduced his budget outlook on Wednesday, citing a shortfall of $38 billion. The independent Legislative Analyst's Office previously projected a $68 billion...

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