WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Tuesday proposed tightening automatic eligibility requirements for the food stamp program, a change that could affect about 3.1 million people. The Agriculture Department said the rule would close "a loophole" that enables people receiving only minimal benefits from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program to...
USDA Rule Could Affect Food Stamp Eligibility for 3 Million
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Tuesday proposed tightening automatic eligibility requirements for the food stamp program, a change that could affect about 3.1 million people. The Agriculture Department said the rule would close "a loophole" that enables people receiving only minimal benefits from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program to...
California’s Struggle to Get Food Stamps to the Hungry
California, a state with the nation’s highest poverty rate, consistently ranks near the bottom when it comes to enrolling low-income people in CalFresh, the state’s name for the federal food stamp program. That translates to a lot of federal money that California forsakes each year. Low-income Californians would have received...