Congressmember Jim Costa is telling his election rival to take down a video ad, claiming it is filled with lies. The ad from Kingsburg businessman and Republican Michael Maher posted on YouTube on Oct. 1, and has also aired on Fresno-area TV stations. Entitled "Costa’s 50 Years in Washington: Time...
City Will Plant New Trees Free of Charge for Fresno Residents
Fresno residents could soon request a tree to be planted by the city at no charge. The city council approved a plan for tree maintenance, 7-0 on the consent calendar without discussion at Thursday's meeting. Requested trees would be planted on a median strip, and the property owner would be...
Fixing California’s Housing Crisis Starts With Rejecting Flawed Prop. 33 Rent Control
California has a housing shortage, and it has caused rents and home prices to soar. What's the answer? Increasing the housing supply is the most effective way to make prices affordable for the greatest number of people. Unfortunately, while we await the legislative policies that will produce more housing, we...
How Meta Brings in Millions Off Political Violence
After the attempted assassination of Donald Trump in July, the merchandise started showing up on Facebook. Trump, fist in the air, face bloodied from a bullet, appeared on everything. Coffee mugs. Hawaiian shirts. Trading cards. Commemorative coins. Heart ornaments. Ads for these products used images captured at the scene by...
State Center’s Area 2 Candidates Agree on Need for Job Training, Student Supports
Four seats are up for election to the State Center Community College District Board of Trustees, but only one seat is contested. In the race to represent Area 2, which encompasses portions of Fresno and Clovis, communications professional Nasreen Michelle Johnson is seeking her second term on the board. The...
After a Decade, Downtown’s Hotel Fresno Open and Already Full
While it took a decade to open, it only took nine months to fill up the 81 mixed-income units at the Hotel Fresno, said Lefeba Gougis, general counsel with APEC International, developer of the historic downtown Fresno building. Fresno City Councilman Miguel Arias, Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula (D-Fresno), and Fresno Mayor...
Why Is California Getting an Avalanche of Unexpected Tax Revenue?
No sooner had Gov. Gavin Newsom cut billions of dollars in spending to close a budget deficit in June than California received an unexpected tax windfall, one that has people in the Capitol speculating about where the avalanche of money came from. More corporate taxes than expected poured into state...
Newsom Signs Controversial Warehouse Bill. Cal Chamber Calls It a Win, but Is More Regulation Ahead?
Gov. Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill 98 on Sunday, forcing cities and counties to adopt statewide regulations around warehouse development and truck routes. Seeking to address the contentious fight around industrial businesses in California, the bill establishes design standards for logistics businesses, which have become major employers with the rise...
From Ocean Breeze to Central Valley Wheeze: A Newcomer’s Guide to Fresno Air
Gather 'round for a tale of two cities — or should I say, a tale of two atmospheres. I recently made the bold move from the sun-kissed shores of Dana Point to the... well, let's call it "unique" air quality of Fresno. Talk about a change of scenery — and...
Fresno, Why Did I Come Back to You?
Some may call me a Fresnan boomerang, but let’s be real: Fresno feels more like a black hole, relentlessly pulling back those who dare to leave and ensnaring anyone who once called it home. I’ve worked in Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, Virginia, New York, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Nevada, Ohio,...