A $40,000 Kaiser Permanente Fresno grant will help the Fresno Police Activities League provide fitness activities and mentoring programs at the Cecil C. Hinton Community Center.
At-risk youth in southwest Fresno will have access to a new boxing ring, fitness equipment, meditation room, and mentoring, thanks to the grant, which was announced Tuesday at the center.
(You can view a video of Tuesday’s ribbon cutting above.)
Grant Helps PAL Connect With Neighorbood Youth
The remodeled recreation room at the Hinton Center also will include elliptical machines, treadmills, and free weights. The yoga and meditation room is planned to open soon. In addition, students will have access to computers, Fresno police Capt. Mark Salazar said.
The grant will link youth in the surrounding neighborhoods to PAL’s programming and activities at Hinton for the first time. Previously, they traveled to the Romain Neighborhood Center, but extensive damage from a New Year’s Day fire put most of those activities on hold.