Either Fresno County voters are satisfied with their elected officials. Or those already in power are seen as unbeatable by potential candidates. Perhaps it’s a combination of both of these factors.
Regardless of the perceived reasons, it’s a fact that high-profile county leaders such as Sheriff Margaret Mims, District Attorney Lisa Sondergaard Smittcamp, Superintendent of Schools Jim Yovina, Assessor-Recorder Paul Dictos and District 4 Supervisor Buddy Mendes won’t face opposition in the 2018 election.
Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims
Here is the final list of candidates for elected office within Fresno County. The deadline to file expired on Friday, March 9.
An official list of candidates for statewide office (governor, U.S. Senator, etc.) will be released by the secretary of state by March 29. The final list for the state Senate and Assembly will be issued by that deadline, too.
Only Fresno will have city council races in the June 5 primary. Other cities, as well as school boards, will only be on the November ballot.
Dept. 4:
Billy Terrence, Fresno County senior deputy district attorney
Roger Wilson, private practice attorney
Dept. 8:
Robert Mangano, Fresno County senior deputy district attorney
Brent Woodward, deputy counsel for Fresno County
These Incumbents Are Unopposed
Dept. 1: Donald Black
Dept. 2: Gary Hoff
Dept. 3: Debra Kazanjian
Dept. 5: David Kalemkarian
Dept. 6: Michael Idiart
Dept. 7: Mary Dolas
Dept. 9: Jonathan Skiles
Dept. 10: Rosemary McGuire
County-Wide Offices
Board of Supervisors, District 1:
Brian Pacheco, incumbent
Jose Ornelas, San Joaquin city councilman
Auditor-Controller/Treasurer-Tax Collector
David Keyes, certified public accountant
Alan Cade Jr., college instructor, and former deputy auditor-controller
Oscar J. Garcia, incumbent
County Clerk
Brandi Orth, incumbent
Adrian Rivera, public tax adviser
These Incumbents Are Unopposed
Fresno County DA Lisa Smittcamp
Superintendent of Schools; Jim Yovino
Assessor-Recorder: Paul Dictos
District Attorney: Lisa Sondergaard Smittcamp
Sheriff-Public Administrator: Margaret Mims
City of Fresno
Fresno City Council, District 3
Daren Miller, educator at Madera Unified
Kimberly Tapscott-Munson, retired school librarian
Sean Sanchez, mortgage company owner
Craig Scharton, interim president/CEO of Downtown Fresno Partnership, and former councilman
Miguel Arias, State Center Community College District Trustee, and Fresno Unified spokesman
Tate Hill, manager at Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission, and former president/CEO of Fresno Metro Black Chamber of Commerce
Larry Burrus, business owner (note: he was added late, after a clerical error from the county clerk’s office left off the initial list)
Fresno City Council District 5
Luis Chavez, incumbent
Paula Yang, anchorwoman on Hmong TV
Paul Condon, small business owner
Jose Barraza, community developer/builder
Fresno City Council District 7
Veva Islas, program director at Cutiva La Salud
Nelson Esparza, Fresno County Board of Education Trustee, and Fresno City College instructor
Brian Whelan, private practice attorney
Fresno City Council District 1
Incumbent Esmeralda Soria is unopposed