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Costco Tries Again at City Council for Big NW Fresno Move

Costco wants to move its northwest Fresno location to a bigger, better facility. After roadblocks at a city council meeting last month, the warehouse retailer will try again this Thursday. Councilmember Mike Karbassi said he supports Costco, but he withheld approval over concerns about traffic — specifically the routing of...

Dr. Green Thumb’s Is Open. Sweet Flower Debuts Saturday in Fresno Cannabis Rollout.

Two more cannabis retailers are joining the Fresno market. Both have been a long time in planning. Dr. Green Thumb's opened last Saturday, five years after local owner Kacey Auston-Tibbetts leased the building in the Tower District. She partnered with legendary rapper B-Real of Cypress Hill. "I chose B-Real for...

Did You Know? Fresno Is Home to One of the Nation’s Top Bonsai Exhibits

A bonsai (miniature tree) exhibit is fast becoming one of Fresno’s don’t-miss destinations. Visitors come from all over: local families on an afternoon outing, travelers who’d discovered the Clark Bonsai Collection on smartphone apps like Tripadvisor or Yelp, enthusiasts of Japanese arts, would-be bonsai hobbyists, and folks just curious to...

Fresno Unified Trustees Expand Superintendent Search to Include External Candidates

With a plan yet to be developed, Fresno Unified trustees decided Wednesday to do both an internal and external search for Superintendent Bob Nelson's replacement. "The board is considering options for the superintendent search process and for purposes of transparency, the board will proceed with an external search for qualified...

Is City ‘Low-Balling’ Fresno Businesses on Land Buys for Blackstone-McKinley Underpass?

The city of Fresno is negotiating with businesses and residents around Blackstone and McKinley avenues to figure out the purchase prices for land to build a much-anticipated traffic underpass there. Some property owners say they are getting low-balled while other businesses say city rules have zoned them out of one...

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