A new nurse training program is opening in Fresno and is designed to help close the gap in the region's nursing corps. Samuel Merritt University, a private university based in Oakland, will operate the center in north Fresno, which has its grand opening on Thursday. The center will be home...
Bitwise Settling With Employees for $20 Million. How Much Will Each Get?
It could be a happy holiday for nearly 700 former Bitwise Industries employees. The bankrupt company preliminarily has settled a class action lawsuit for $20 million. Attorney Roger Bonakdar of Fresno estimates the settlement will mean about $15,000 for each employee, which could be paid by the end of the...
Pension Tension: Lawsuit Threatened Over City of Fresno’s Contribution Cut
Fresno's municipal pension system and City Hall are at odds over how much should be paid into the police and firefighter retirement fund. And, the dispute could wind up in the courtroom. The city wants to keep its contributions the same as last year, approximately $30.8 million. The pension board...
Industry vs. Pollution: What’s the Right Balance in South Fresno?
Business advocates fear the city's plan to outline land use for south Fresno could lead to a repeat of what happened only a few years ago in a nearby part of town. The public comment period on the South Central Specific Plan ends Wednesday, said Jennifer Clark, planning and development...
Fresno Approves Anti-Camping Law Despite Raucous Protests
In a raucous meeting that saw several disruptions, Fresno is saying no to camping in public places. By a 7-0 vote, the Fresno City Council approved an ordinance to restrict public camping and spelled out penalties during a special meeting that began Monday morning and extended to the late afternoon...
Will You Have to Pay Thousands Extra to Buy a Home? Realtor Commissions Are Changing
The homebuying world is still trying to figure out how the market will work after Aug. 17. That day, the settlement between the National Association of Realtors and the U.S. Department of Justice will come into effect, changing how homebuyers' agents get paid. That change has Realtors and brokerages scrambling...
New Fresno Police Officer Mandeep Kaur Motivated to Break Barriers
The young and the brave joined the ranks of the Fresno Police Department at a ceremony on Friday morning. They are sons and daughters, husbands and wives, fathers and mothers. Several of the 20 new officers — 17 recruits and three lateral transfers — were born in raised in the...
Will Bonta Election Lawsuit Reverse the Will of Fresno County Voters?
The next election date for Fresno County district attorney and sheriff is up in the air. State Attorney General Rob Bonta announced Friday that he is suing the county over Measure A, which voters passed in March. The vote, approved by 55% of voters, changed the county's charter to hold...
Council Rejects Luxury NW Fresno Apartment Project. What’s Next?
The Fresno City Council rejected a proposed market-rate apartment complex in northwest Fresno on Thursday night after scores of neighbors vehemently opposed it, saying it would disrupt traffic and possibly bring unwanted people to the area. Despite city staff saying that the developer went above and beyond design requirements, councilmember...
Fresno Political Community Mourns Death of Sean Burdine
A Fresno political activist known for speaking at public meetings has died. Sean Burdine was 34. Although the exact cause of death is unknown, his parents said he died peacefully in his sleep on Saturday, July 20. Burdine, who was known for wearing vests and impeccably styling his hair, often...