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City of Fresno Could Shut All Retail Stores for 5 Days Under New Order Being Considered

Fresno City Councilmember Luis Chavez is pushing an emergency ordinance that would "completely shut down" all retail businesses in the city of Fresno when intensive care bed capacity in the county reaches zero. "The projections say we are 7 to 10 days out" (from reaching that threshold) said Chavez. Chavez...

Council Policy Might Revoke Some Alcohol Licenses, Give Them To New Grocery Stores

In a concept of taketh and giveth away, members of the Fresno City Council say they may start revoking alcohol licenses from 'bad' retailers and use them to attract grocery stores into areas of town that don't have them. The move comes on the heels of City Council passage of...

Curfew? No Alcohol Sales After 10? Councilman Says Nothing Off Limits After Surge in Violence.

Fresno police were involved in two separate officer involved shootings over the weekend. Sergeant Jeff LaBlue tells GV Wire℠ there were also 5 murders (one of those a stabbing), and 5 other shootings in the past few days. In the past week there have been two incidents involving innocent bystanders. Fresno...

‘We’re in the Middle of a Crime Wave.’ Fresno Leaders Voice Concerns.

Fresno City Council Member Luiz Chavez says 600 criminals have been released back into the city since April. "We're in the middle of a crime wave, and that is not a term that I use loosely because that's how it's being described here in our city. And we need to...

Big Brother Watching You? City Approves New Water Monitoring Plan.

Enforcement of Fresno’s water conservation rules is moving into the big data era. Critics wonder if “Big Brother” might be a better description. The Fresno City Council approved a pilot program Thursday that uses data from residential water meters to assess fines for violations of the city’s outdoor lawn watering...


