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Watchdog Criticizes Newsom for Favoring Big Cities with COVID Relief Funds

California should have spent more money helping its smaller counties battle the coronavirus, state Auditor Elaine Howle said Tuesday, criticizing Gov. Gavin Newsom's administration for favoring places with big populations despite data showing the needs of rural areas “were at least the same if not greater.” And while the Newsom...

Granite Park Lawsuit Accuses Fresno of Racism, Retaliation

Terance Frazier, the Fresno developer who has had a long-running disagreement with the city over Granite Park, filed a federal lawsuit Friday night. In the suit, Frazier claims the city of Fresno — which owns the facility — failed to live up to its obligations when he leased the Granite...

Deal Would Transfer Granite Park to New Foundation, Increase City Subsidy

(UPDATE — 4/23/2020: the City Council postponed a discussion and vote on the Granite Park lease to a future, unspecified date. Councilman Mike Karbassi removed himself as a sponsor. Original story Granite Park, the city-owned central Fresno sports facility operated by the Central Valley Community Sports Foundation, is expected to transfer...

Battle Lines Are Drawn Over Oil Drilling in California

Two announcements with implications for California’s oil industry whizzed past each other in recent weeks, revealing starkly conflicting visions for energy development. After a five-year hiatus on auctions for oil-drilling rights on federal land, Washington finalized a plan to allow them on more than 700,000 acres in 11 Central California counties. A more...

On a Gorgeous Weekend, Granite Park Is Big Hit With Families

The cooler weather complemented perfectly with two big activities taking place at Granite Park this past weekend — The Big Bounce America and a memorial softball tournament. Both drew sizable, yet manageable crowds, with a $3 cover charge to enter the facility. Each event had its own entry fees as...

What's Granite Park's Future? Letters Offer Clues.

Terance Frazier, the real estate developer and president of the nonprofit that runs a city sports park, says his public partner isn't doing all it can to help him. Right now, Frazier is preparing the Granite Park sports facility operated by his nonprofit — the Central Valley Community Sports Foundation...

What's That Smell? 'Stench' of Incompetence, Says Bredefeld

A Fresno councilman says a key piece of information was missing when a vote was taken on providing public money to the downtown South Stadium project. What was the withheld info? One of the developers had filed a claim for damages against the city on another project. Because of that, Garry...

Frazier Files Claim Against City, Says He's Victim of Political Hit

Saying a flawed city audit damaged his reputation and his business, businessman Terance Frazier has filed a claim for unspecified damages against the city of Fresno. "The premature release of the inaccurate audit report directly caused me loss of reputation, portrayed me in a false light, caused me to lose...

LA Audit: Homeless Agency Fails to Hit Housing Goals

LOS ANGELES — The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority has failed to meet goals for placing people into permanent housing and for referring them to substance abuse and mental health treatment, according to a city audit released Wednesday. Despite having more than doubled its number of outreach workers over the...

Facebook to Make Ads for Jobs, Loans, Credit Cards Searchable

BOSTON — Facebook says it will make advertisements for jobs, loans and credit card offers searchable for all U.S. users following a legal settlement designed to eliminate discrimination on its platform. The plan disclosed in an internal report Sunday voluntarily expands on a commitment the social medial giant made in March when it...


